Prep4sure allows us to introduce the fresh exam file for our March downloads. The file is with official name Veritas VCS-322 Administration of Veritas Enterprise Vault 12.x. That test is accepted by Veritas and has internal number VCS-322. This test is assigned by the following internal version v2019-03-16 by Elwell 98q. The exam file extension is still VCE. You may to get it for your private exam preparation from our huge starting this Thursday.
Tag Archives: VCS-322
Veritas VCS-322 Administration of Veritas Enterprise Vault 12.x
Test-king provided us with fresh exam for our December downloads. The file is titled Veritas VCS-322 Administration of Veritas Enterprise Vault 12.x. That test is taken by Veritas and numbered as VCS-322. This exam was marked with the following internal version v2018-12-15 by Travis 93q. Certification file extension as usual VCE. You are able now to download it for your private use from our growing collection starting this Friday.